Friday, 5 February 2016

February 5, 2016 - Make the Best

John Wooden is becoming an inspiration in my life. He was a basketball coach but more importantly he was a life coach to those that had any interaction with him. Recently I heard a quote which is really meaningful.

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

I see most people bowing to their circumstances rather than accepting their circumstances and building themselves. I had an interesting chat in class yesterday. We had a discussion – actually with this class there are three participants, me and two others – about doing your best. And if you find yourself unable to do your best perhaps you need to find something better to do.

My business partner and I are facing a challenge this week. One of our largest clients is in the middle of a financial hiccup. As far as we are concerned, big deal. That was sarcastic. We are committed to these people as they are committed to us. So we continue. Without financial resources. Big deal.

Most people I know would shrivel up and run if this happened to them. In fact, one of our “sub-contractors” did just that. Turned tail and ran when they heard about our client’s issues this month. I’m not going to tell you what is going on in detail but I will tell you this. The reason our client has a financial hiccup this month is because they are honourable people.

So what are we doing? We are making the best of the way things turned out.

I have students who are struggling with their careers. Some whine and bitch about what is happening to them at work. As I get to know these people more I start to see what has happened. They have been trained to blame all of the wrong people for their state in life. I have to admit, it took me 45 years to learn this BUT the person I have to blame for everything in my life I see everytime I shave or brush my teeth. ME.

I one student in general who I admire. She really didn’t know what she was going to do with her life and started working at a golf course and liked it. One of the “higher ups” got her into the apprenticeship program. She expresses her gratitude for being in the course, her future options, everything. I have others that sit in class and expect everything handed to them.

I sometimes sounds as if I grew up under these negative conditions and I certainly dId not. My parents, especially my dad, as very positive thinking. My parents were self employed and unfortunately pushed us all to the “get an education, get a job” life. My dad was the hardest working most loyal person I have ever met. Never blamed any for his lot in life, and loved his life.

I’m sitting here writing this thinking about all of the people in my life that I see greatness in.  I have to understand that most people don’t want to take responsibility for their life. Most people want to blame others for their lives.

Be part of the 5%. Walk away from the 95%. Don’t be a protestor. Be a changer. Change yourself and you’ll change your life.


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