morning. I decided to get up early as I have a class that starts at 8:00 am. I’m
usually up at 5:00 am but on the days I teach I have to leave around 6:00. That
only gave me about an hour for grooming and getting ready.
My morning
ritual includes going for a 2 km walk with Bosley, doing about 20 minutes of
personal training and about 20 minutes of planning. I am listening to Jim Rohn.
He is discussing the Diseases of Attitude.
So yesterday
I went to bed early and set my alarm for 4:00 am. I’ve had my walk, had my
yogurt (homemade) and am listening to some personal training. I teach three
days a week so that equates to 60% of my week. I think I’ll try this schedule
for the next 7 weeks for the duration of this semester…. Let’s see!
Two things
from this morning I really got a lot from is “Put everything you’ve got into
everything you do!” and the discussion on the “Disease of Indecision”.
It’s a very
interesting thing. I wasn’t going to write this morning until I heard the “put
everything you’ve got….”. One thing Jim said was if you aren’t putting
everything into what you are doing it MAY be because that thing isn’t worth
your time.
WOW. That
made me stop and think. One excuse I was using NOT to write in my blog was that
I didn’t have time but I would have time to watch a movie on Netflix, or read a
mystery novel… Interesting.
So I am
conducting a social experiment starting today. I am going to use reading “drivel”
(I will not restrict reading for education or business) and things like Netflix
as a reward at some point during the day. I’ll keep you posted. .
The last
thought I have is the discussion on the Diseases of Indecision. Really that all
ties into my getting up early. Indecision means making a bad choice or an easy
choice. Here I am up and almost ready for the day. This time last week I was
tearing around like a mad man trying to get ready. I ma in a good place now.
I read a
book (several times) a while back. And I need to read it again. Called The
Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. Awesome. Everyone gets something different
from it but here is what I got. KEEP GOING. I know that one morning of getting
up at 4:00 and this morning ritual won’t pay off fast. It will take a while
before I see the positive effects. That matters not one iota to me.
You see,
knowing it will take a LONG time makes it very easy to enjoy each day. Here is
a tangible example. I am in huge short term debt. Massive. Am I worried. No. I
am constructively concerned, but no where worried. Why? I have a plan. In about
18 months, I will have removed one of the debt monkeys from my back, never to
allow it to climb aboard again. I see very little change in my statements but
THERE IS A CHANGE. I’m on my way.
So when I
look at these decisions I am making I don’t get depressed as I used to. I know that
my walk and yogurts and berries will cause my belly to decline, my energy to
climb and my health better. I do not expect to wake next week and have all of
this done. Maybe next Christmastime.
So, do
yourself a favour. Put everything you have got into everything you do. If you
can’t find something you can. AND make a decision.
I saw a cute
cartoon but it was very poignant. It was Snoopy and Woodstock on top of Snoopy’s
doghouse. One says, “One day I am going to die.” And the other says, “Yes, but
all of the other days you will not.”
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