Thursday, 11 February 2016

February 12, 2016 - To Thine Ownself be True

To thine own self be true.

Gnothi se.  – Know thyself.
This is the crest of the High School I went to in Hamilton Ontario. I wish I was more in tune with philosophy when I was a student. It was a wise motto.

I have a very interesting student this semester. I knew there was stress in them the first time they spoke. I have my students introduce themselves the first day of class and this student told me their name, I could hear the stress.

Apprenticeship is a very challenging way to get an education. Far too many people think that University is the hardest, then College and then Apprentice. These students spend almost 40 hours a week (or more) in class for 12 solid weeks. No breaks. Straight through.

I give my students 2 quizzes a week. I only have them one day a week. I also give them homework. Projects. Research assignments. That is one day out of 5 for them.

This student as it turns out was under a lot of stress at home. More stress than the average student – trust me on that. This student ended up hospitalized this past weekend. They realized that their health was more important than anything.

The student did exactly the right thing. They went to the registrar and explained their situation and withdrew from the course. Withdrawing through the registrar is not looked at as a failure which paves the way for this student to continue in the future.

I told this student they were making the right decision and going about it the right way. Only the individual knows what is best for them. This student knew what was right for their long term success, health and prosperity.

So if you don’t yet – know thyself. And be true to yourself.

Brings to mind the saying, “Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Guard your own heart, no one else will do that for you.

So tonight my thought will turn to that student as I drift off to sleep. I hope that my good will is something that may help them out.

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