Friday, 19 February 2016

February 19, 2016 - Connecting Dots

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." - Steve Jobs

What a profound man Steve Jobs was.  This morning I was struggling to get myself up and running. I usually am up and out the door with the dog about 5 am. I wasn’t up until 6 today. Just in a psychological slump. Not good. Not combobulated at all.

I read that quote today and put it on my Facebook page.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.”  Yup. Yup. Yup. You can’t. I am entering a new and unknown stage of the game. I am walking into a business with a partner that believes in my abilities more than I do. I have always known that you can’t see into the future. Not even a second.

 I also believe that looking into the past can be dangerous. Focusing on the past can only keep you making the same “mistakes” (you may not recognize them as mistakes). You can paralyze yourself looking at the past and trying to judge where you need to be going. The future is a present to us.

Having said all of that, looking into the past can be helpful. Although those dots can’t be drawn into the future, studying the past, seeing where the dots connected can help see where they are headed. The course may not seem off. But, any small variance in direction can leave you miles off course at the end.

That is what today is for. Course corrections. Sure, look into the past but remember that mistakes are not failures unless they are not learned from or if they are repeated.

I’m struggling with a few things in my life right now. I tend to look at things too much in the future instead of in the present. I need to focus on today. On my diet. On my health. On my businesses. Most importantly on my family. Day to day. Improve day to day.

What is that saying? Yard by yard it is hard. Inch by inch anything is a cinch.

I’m just keeping my head up. Doing my best, doing better than yesterday and not as good as tomorrow.

Short post, but I have a huge to-do list today!

Take care and be well!


Tuesday, 16 February 2016

February 16, 2016 - “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We has a snow “storm” today. I’ll bet we had about 5 to 7 cm on the ground when I headed to school. Ottawa got something like 50 cm. Ours was followed by some freezing drizzle and the temperature made things very very slippery.

I saw two SUV’s pointed the wrong way on the road this morning. People seem to buy these vehicles and feel the vehicle will overcome the lack of driving capabilities of the owners. People can make some seriously stupid decisions.

On my way home from school I saw a land yacht in the left lane. This person must have been passing someone and their drivers side wheels caught the slush on the shoulder.  It seems the rear of the car smashed into the concrete barrier. I noticed their rear wheel about 20 meters behind the car against the barrier. The side and rear of the car all smashed up.

One of my students had been out most of the night salting. Several left class quickly to go to work to plow and salt. Work, work, work.

Adopt the pace of nature. I drove at a reasonable rate and got to school just fine and in one piece. Most did. Several students called in “snow” and said they were not comfortable driving in the conditions that were what this morning was.Good for them.

Her secret is patience. My Uncle Ralph tried to teach me patience, I learned but it took 30 years. I was not bad when I was young but then I stopped seeing my uncle regularly and I went into remission. If it rains you change plans or get wet. If it is icy stay home or drive slowly. Be patient.

I was trying to remember where I heard this but couldn’t today. I was trying to tell my students that cars and trucks and cell phones and things like that have one thing in common – they are just things. Things can be replaced. One of the students was worried about their car / truck getting smucked by an “idiot” on their way home.

I was trying to tell them that “things” are insured. “Things” can be replaced. “Things” really have no value.

What we get in life for “Free” we actually place little value in. Our life. Our heart. Our ability to dream, to teach, to love and be loved, our ability build things, to give life. All of these things we get for free are actually priceless. The “Things” we place value in are replaceable. This truck / car my student was talking about is made in the hundreds. From bits of metal and plastic.

Simon and Garfunkle said it. “Slow down you move too fast. You’ve got to make this moment last.”

Don’t die to get to work. Don’t die protecting a hunk of metal.

“Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, 11 February 2016

February 12, 2016 - To Thine Ownself be True

To thine own self be true.

Gnothi se.  – Know thyself.
This is the crest of the High School I went to in Hamilton Ontario. I wish I was more in tune with philosophy when I was a student. It was a wise motto.

I have a very interesting student this semester. I knew there was stress in them the first time they spoke. I have my students introduce themselves the first day of class and this student told me their name, I could hear the stress.

Apprenticeship is a very challenging way to get an education. Far too many people think that University is the hardest, then College and then Apprentice. These students spend almost 40 hours a week (or more) in class for 12 solid weeks. No breaks. Straight through.

I give my students 2 quizzes a week. I only have them one day a week. I also give them homework. Projects. Research assignments. That is one day out of 5 for them.

This student as it turns out was under a lot of stress at home. More stress than the average student – trust me on that. This student ended up hospitalized this past weekend. They realized that their health was more important than anything.

The student did exactly the right thing. They went to the registrar and explained their situation and withdrew from the course. Withdrawing through the registrar is not looked at as a failure which paves the way for this student to continue in the future.

I told this student they were making the right decision and going about it the right way. Only the individual knows what is best for them. This student knew what was right for their long term success, health and prosperity.

So if you don’t yet – know thyself. And be true to yourself.

Brings to mind the saying, “Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Guard your own heart, no one else will do that for you.

So tonight my thought will turn to that student as I drift off to sleep. I hope that my good will is something that may help them out.

February 11, 2016 - Gratitude

“Make gratitude a habit you indulge in each night.” - Pooja Ruprell

Words to live by. I have been working a long time to be grateful. I should hope I am grateful.

I am Canadian and am privileged to live in such a peaceful country. My house is being paid for. It is warm. There are no holes in it. I ate over 2,000 calories today (according to my diet tracker). I don’t want for anything. I earn money to pay my bills.

I have friends and business partners I enjoy being with. I enjoy the company of my students and coworkers. I enjoy what I do for a living and am building a business that will eclipse all of that.

Currently, we have three special animals we are sharing our lives with. Bosley is the best dog ever. Salix the Cat is racing us with her presence. JuJu the parrot is tolerating us!



I have amazing kids. Morgan is finding his life’s path early and Ainsley did that a little earlier. I am at peace that they are finding the wind for their wings and are on their lifes’ path.

I can’t even begin to describe how grateful I am for Linda and the relationship she and I have. We have together built amazingly full lives and have helped guide Ainsley and Morgan along their ways as well.

I used to live my life day by day, week by week. Pretty much ignoring what was important, When I started each night, as I was falling asleep, being grateful for what I have my life started changing. When you are being very conscious about being grateful for someone, you can’t but help treat them better. I much prefer falling asleep with positive thoughts in my mind.

I do the same each morning. As I am waiting on my snooze button I remember all that I am grateful for. What a great way to start the day. In an attitude of gratitude. That gratitude follows me in my mind all day.

I also do two more things. Darren Hardy says he sends good vibes or a prayer out to someone he knows that may need some help. So if I can I try to send out good thoughts to someone that needs it. John Maxwell does something as well. Similar but not quite. Mr. Maxwell teaches us to lead an intentional life so what he does is thinks about who he is going to interact with that day and intentionally help them or be a positive influence on them.

What a great way to start your day. What a great way to end it.  

Friday, 5 February 2016

February 5, 2016 - Make the Best

John Wooden is becoming an inspiration in my life. He was a basketball coach but more importantly he was a life coach to those that had any interaction with him. Recently I heard a quote which is really meaningful.

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

I see most people bowing to their circumstances rather than accepting their circumstances and building themselves. I had an interesting chat in class yesterday. We had a discussion – actually with this class there are three participants, me and two others – about doing your best. And if you find yourself unable to do your best perhaps you need to find something better to do.

My business partner and I are facing a challenge this week. One of our largest clients is in the middle of a financial hiccup. As far as we are concerned, big deal. That was sarcastic. We are committed to these people as they are committed to us. So we continue. Without financial resources. Big deal.

Most people I know would shrivel up and run if this happened to them. In fact, one of our “sub-contractors” did just that. Turned tail and ran when they heard about our client’s issues this month. I’m not going to tell you what is going on in detail but I will tell you this. The reason our client has a financial hiccup this month is because they are honourable people.

So what are we doing? We are making the best of the way things turned out.

I have students who are struggling with their careers. Some whine and bitch about what is happening to them at work. As I get to know these people more I start to see what has happened. They have been trained to blame all of the wrong people for their state in life. I have to admit, it took me 45 years to learn this BUT the person I have to blame for everything in my life I see everytime I shave or brush my teeth. ME.

I one student in general who I admire. She really didn’t know what she was going to do with her life and started working at a golf course and liked it. One of the “higher ups” got her into the apprenticeship program. She expresses her gratitude for being in the course, her future options, everything. I have others that sit in class and expect everything handed to them.

I sometimes sounds as if I grew up under these negative conditions and I certainly dId not. My parents, especially my dad, as very positive thinking. My parents were self employed and unfortunately pushed us all to the “get an education, get a job” life. My dad was the hardest working most loyal person I have ever met. Never blamed any for his lot in life, and loved his life.

I’m sitting here writing this thinking about all of the people in my life that I see greatness in.  I have to understand that most people don’t want to take responsibility for their life. Most people want to blame others for their lives.

Be part of the 5%. Walk away from the 95%. Don’t be a protestor. Be a changer. Change yourself and you’ll change your life.
