Friday, 6 January 2017

The Law of Supply

I am 100% sure a lot of people will fight me on this one. At least 95% of people are negative thinkers and will not understand The Second Forgotten Law: The Law of Supply.

The universe has an infinite supply of everything. I have friends that will immediately point to non-renewable resources such as oil and say “See?!?! It is NOT infinite!!!!” I want to turn that small argument on its ear and change the word OIL to ENERGY. Energy is infinite in this universe. As a species we have spent the last 100 years or so using the wrong sources (oil, etc.) for energy. We will figure that one out soon!

I want to use wealth as an example of infinite supply. I grew up with the misunderstanding that wealth is finite and the rich get more and the poor get less. Not even close. The rich understand this. Wealth is infinite and indefinable. I am not even going to go into the indefinable here.

Let me use a very stark example. If wealth were finite then as soon as Bill Gates started to amass his fortune – and now he is supposed to be one of the richest men on the planet – one of the “old money” families would have been upset. The thing is the more of something you have, the more comes to you. Both good and bad.

I remember when my wife was pregnant with our daughter, Ainsley. Linda was sad one day and really, really upset. I asked what was wrong and she couldn’t understand how she could love a new baby when she loved our son Morgan so much. I understood that the more love your heart holds, the more it CAN hold. Infinite supply.

I have met people who are considered poor. Well, they considered themselves poor. “The rich get richer while the poor get poorer” was their mantra. And they were right. They fell into that mindset and every time they turned around they were poorer and the people they were watching who they considered rich were getting richer. I know it sounds simplified but had they changed their mindset…..

I worked a little bit in the Dominican Republic and the rich there were very good at getting the poor to think in the mindset they were stuck. There is a LOT of money in the DR – they have limited natural resources but the tourism industry is strong. There are probably a handful of wealthy families there. They want the poor to remain poor. At least that was my exposure a decade or more ago.

Except for a small number. I remember our driver Jesus. He scraped together a small down payment and bought himself a mini-bus. He was clean, presentable and spoke English. For other tourists like Germans he had a translator. We ended up j=hiring him for the entire time we were there. He was awesome. He is on the wealth curve and if he kept up his philosophies he is likely a wealthy man in the Dominican Republic.

Do not limit your thinking. If thinking was limited to a thought that there was a finite supply of ANYTHING then we would not have made any great achievement on earth. All we need to do for ourselves is CREATE what we want. That’s it. Create our goals. No one will do it for us. We either spend our lives creating our own dreams or creating someone else’s.

The Universe loves detail. Write out what you want from your life and set in RIGHT now achieving it.

Have a day full of wonder!

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