The Third Forgotten Law - The Law of Attraction
I remember the first time I saw The
Secret. I had just started my new business and my business partner loaned
me his copy. I was enthralled. I remember when I stumbled across all of Bob
Proctor’s material online and was excited. I truly believe that all of this,
all of it, is the result of the law of attraction.
I have noticed that most people attract into their lives things they
don’t want rather than work on attracting what they do want. Bob Proctor talks about a
bumper sticker he used to have which said “Expect a Miracle”. Voltaire said a miracle is a word we invented
to explain the known effects of unknown causes. Maybe all you need to do is “Expect
a Miracle”?
Has something ever happened to you that you cannot explain? I know it
has happened to me. I know a lot of people think I am talking about money but
it isn’t about money – it is about EVERYTHING. I want you to start to EXPECT big
things to happen to you.
A lot of people talk about the Law of Attraction. I don’t know how many
millions of people have seen The Secret
but I’ll bet it is in the hundreds of millions. So many people have heard of it
but how many people understand it and work with it? How many people think the
Law of Attraction is a primary law? It isn’t – the Law of Vibration is the
primary law.
Mr. Proctor says we “live in an ocean of motion” – that absolutely
everything is vibrating. Anyone who has had grade school science will remember
this. The brick that makes up the walls of my house are constantly vibrating.
Absolutely nothing is resting.The atoms that make up every molecule are constantly moving.
Every day we manipulate the vibration of something in order for it to do
something for us we want it to do. Example? Water. I can increase the vibration
of water to a point where it is so excited it boils. Then I pour it on green
tea leaves and the leaves change their vibration releasing oils and flavours
for my enjoyment.
How do we do this to attract intrinsic things into our lives? Our
brains activate out thoughts. Our thoughts control the vibration we are in. Our
vibration controls what we attract into our life. Absolutely everything that
comes into our lives we have attracted. Everything. When we get a cold we did
not necessarily attract a virus BUT we were likely living in a very confused
state of vibration before that and once the virus gestated in our body we got
the sniffles!
DO NOT focus on the negative. Do not fight the negative. Most people
focus on what they do not want. Most people chant a mantra about getting out of
debt. What they need to focus on it prosperity. When you are cold you do not
think about negative cold, you think about heat. When you are hungry you think
of food. STOP trying to change the bad – let it go – instead, focus on the good
you want.
See what you want as present in your mind. Once you see the good you
want in your mind you will have it intellectually. Once you can internalize it
you will have it emotionally. Once you have it emotionally it will only be a
period of time before you will attract it physically.
So start today. Write down a list of everything you want in life. Write
it in the present tense. For example I write down that I am grateful now that I
have been able to retire Linda (my wife) to do what gives her satisfaction.
When you have that list of positive things read it aloud to yourself. Then
write it again tomorrow. And keep going.
Focus on the good. Let go of the bad. You will attract the good you
want in your life.
The Universal Law of Attraction.