Tuesday, 6 December 2016

The Story of the Sower Part 1

2017 is The Year of the Harvest

That was declared last week at our International Event in Phoenix.

I have, by my count 2 months, 24 days, 20 hours and 43 minutes until then. Excluding Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day I have 83 days to do my bidding. I am going to pique 5 people a day for services and then see if they are interested in the business. That is 410 people. WOW. I’d better get cracking.

I did 6 today so that is 6 / 410 = 1.4% of my goal!

I have spent a long time preparing the ground, sharpening my tools, but not seeding. I have committed to what I mentioned above and am prepared to stand by that.

So what do I need to do? Damn it, I am a horticulturist. What would I do if I was tasked with growing a crop I have never grown before. Study the crop to determine what conditions I need, soil, light, temperature, water, pH, etc.

  • I would then make the conditions favourable.
  • I would propagate the plants the best way possible as reflected in my research.
  • I would care for the plants optimizing all of the growth factors of light, heat, water, pH, etc.
  • I would protect the plants from outside influences both biological and physiological.
  • I would observe the crop and harvest at the optimum time.
  • I would then reap the rewards as determined by the Law of Compensation

So how do I do that with my ACN Business?

  • I have been studying for 3 years.

  • I went to a recent International Event to hone some of my skills and met some amazing people including a guardian angel named Lerna Powel. She gave me some INVALUABLE lessons on customer acquisition. I started this morning on a three month – 86 days less four days for Christmas and New Years – quest to pique 5 people a day for services. That will net me 410 piques before the next international event.

If I can achieve a 2% achievement rate I ought to have 8 new customers. If I achieve a 5% rate 20. I’m really striving for more than 5% but we shall see.

So what am I doing? I am holding my own feet to the fire. In my Daytimer I am writing my goal and my progress. I am starting my doing at least hit 5 people a day.

I won’t write about this every day… I promise but I will keep you posted about how my progress is going.

I am seeding. I am sorting before I sow therefore I am sowing short season beans. Easy to grow, few pests and tasty! Yup. I am going after low hanging fruit.

Chat more later!

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