Friday, 28 October 2016

October 28, 2016 - Persistence

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin

We had a terrific team meeting last night. We didn’t have any guests so we still get together and talk about the business. One person presented and then we had a series of product training discussions. Todd, Rachel and I then went out for a beer.

So what does the quote about energy and persistence mean to this discussion?


I get up most mornings at 4:50 and got through a routine of personal development. Energy. Persistence.

I was able to lead the product training portion of the evening as I have been persistent in my learning. Angel and Khadijah are both going to set the world on fire as they discover the workings of this business.

So what am I most excited about? Helping people. Helping people save money. Helping people change their life. Helping people help other people.

How will I be able to do that? With energy and persistence. I need to talk to a massive number of people to be able to build this. I am at the point where my business is about to tip over the edge.

I honestly believe that the truly great achievements I have had in my life were not because I was better than someone else or anything like that. My great achievements were simply because I did not give up. I know at one of my, if not my greatest asset is I am not a quitter.

So I have been changing how I am running my days. I work in 90 minute increments. I set a timer for 0 minutes and work on a set of specific tasks or on a project. When that timer goes off I may take a break for a few moments and then set the timer again. I work on another set of priority tasks.

My timer is about to go off, hence the abrupt post today.

Take care and be good to yourself.

One of the things I am excited to be persistent about!

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