Sunday, 16 October 2016

October 16, 2016 - 5 Major Life Questions

I was listening to an interview with Darren Hardy. I honestly cannot remember who he was interviewing but I am grateful I heard it. The guy Darren was interviewing wrote a book. In his research he discovered that all of the wildly successful people in the world had answered the Five Major Life Questions. I’ve distilled them here:

The 5 Major Life Questions
1. What is your purpose?
Why are you here. What is your purpose for doing what you are doing. If you cannot answer this question well you are just wallowing. You need to have a focus, a passion, a drive that gets you going and keeps you going through thick and thin. Mother Teresa knew her purpose and lived that purpose every day.

2. What do you value?
Are you merely working for money or are you building a legacy for your family? For the world at large? Are you trying to dent the Universe? Most entrepreneurs see something wrong with the way things are and are trying to fix it. Most entrepreneurs head out to make a change and as a consequence make money. Is what you are doing in alignment with your values?

3. What are your talents?
This is a hard question to answer. BUT if you figure out what your talents are and use them every day toward you major purpose in life, your success will unfold in front of you. Do more of what you are good at and less of what you are not so good at.

4. How will the world experience you? Today? In 5 years? In 10 years?
Look forward. With your goals in mind think of how the world will experience you in 5 years and in 10 years? What are you doing to impact others? Make your impact positive!

5. Who would you be if you were already there?
In order to have more in life you must become more. In order to change your circumstance you must change yourself. So picture you at the pinnacle of your own success and figure out what kind of person is there. Then start right in, right now to become that person.

People, all people, suffer from four major addictions. These are not the usual addictions that people think about when they hear the word addiction but they are equally as destructive.

The 4 Major Addictions
The Past
I know so many people that peaked in high school. Their best days are behind them and they tell me every time I encounter them. People dwell on stuff that happened even yesterday. It is important to learn from past experiences but feel the experience, and then let it go.

Worry is the negative use of the imagination. Most everything we worry about doesn’t happen. If it does happen it is so less debilitating that what we were expecting. Worry is simply a waste of time and it fills your body with negative emotion.

We all have those people in our lives that have “the most terrible thing happened to me on my way to work, school, church, temple, whatever….” Everything is a huge issue. Get over it. Nobody cares and it is in the past. Live your life calmly.

Opinion of other people
Most people you know won’t go to your funeral. Why would anyone care about what someone else thinks ESPECIALLY if it means it distracts you from you major purpose in life. Most people are not even paying attention to you. Live your life. 

Watch this video:

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