Friday, 14 August 2015

August 14, 2015 - Being a River

I have always found mentors; mainly because I really like to learn. Although I didn’t know they were called mentors until recently. Linda really likes to learn the science of things. I like to learn the behaviour of things. So when my Uncle Ralph taught me about White Oaks and how he used their flowering time as an indicator of other things happening in the vineyards, I was really interested. About the behaviour of the white oak and the insect he was monitoring. Linda would have been interested in the science of phenology, entomology, botany and everything else. I’m just telling you that as a point of reference. Not a judgment or anything.

When I started reviewing my life (my behaviour) I came to realize I have been trying to emulate the great people in my life. A short list would be my Dad, my Grandpa and Uncle Ralph. There were many others, this is but a short list.  All three were rivers. I have met many other people who turned out to be reservoirs.

You see a river has knowledge enter at its headwaters. The river then churns the knowledge up and mixes it with other knowledge that enters the river through the many tributaries. Those bits of knowledge adhere to each other, oxygenating, purifying, and becoming more and more nutritious. Then as the river flows, that knowledge can be taken out and used by whoever needs it. If the person taking from the river is one of the 5% that knowledge enters their river and mixes and the “circle of knowledge” continues.

Unfortunately, most people, the 95% are reservoirs. Knowledge enters their reservoir and may or may not mix with other knowledge, there is very little oxygenation, no purification. There is no easy way to get at this knowledge, and when it is accessed, it comes out in a container, flat, stale and perhaps not understandable.

My mother in law of all people once called me a generous person. She believes I just give my knowledge and skills away without compensation. On one hand she is right. I give freely of what I know and can do. I never heard of Emerson’s Universal Law of Compensation until I was walking this earth for almost 50 years. “Do the Thing and You shall have the Power. But he who does not the Thing shall not have the Power.” My dad, grandpa and uncle knew this law and taught it to me without revealing the name.

I believe now and then and always will that payment comes back in any deed we do. Good or bad. You can undo a bad by doing good but the bad gets re-paid.

I gave a homeless guy a Twonie yesterday. He looked a little strung out. But he was well spoken and polite. Now he said he was going to buy poutine and I have to believe him on that. Now if his heart was good, and he wasn’t lying to me, the universe will guide him to pay that townie back. I do not expect him to pay me back – ever – not from him but somewhere. I may already have been paid and am paying back….. BUT he will pay it forward. Let’s just say he gets the money together to but that poutine. I picture him buying the poutine and leaving the shop. He’ll sit on the edge of a wall and some other homeless guy comes along and he shares it with him. THAT is how the Universal Law of Compensation works in my mind.

Compensation comes from everywhere and always will come from the unexpected. You never know how one small act of kindness will ripple its way through the Universe in ways you never may see. So be kind. Pay it forward through acts of tithing, kindness, whatever you have to give – give.

Jim Rohn said something about the key to success in life – as if there was only one – and he said it in this phrase. “Study, practice, teach”.

Study your life, your trade, everything. Learn every day about something new in your life. “Good leaders are good readers.”

Practice your life, your trade, everything. Be better today than you were yesterday, plan on how to be better tomorrow. Always improve – in every area of your life.

Teach your life, your trade, everything. Not everyone wants to be taught but you will know the ones that want to be taught. Be a mentor. Be open.

Be a river.

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