Sunday, 15 September 2013

September 14, 2013 - How to Come to Grip With Yourself

Develop a healthy self image and find freedom in the world.

I was listening to Earl Nightingale today and he referred to a man by the name of Maxwell Maltz. “Uncle Max” outlined four steps that will help one develop a healthy self image. I see many people who do not have a healthy self image. You can see them too. They are the people who blame everything for their circumstances. They are the people who hate the world.

Maxwell Maltz’s Four Steps
1.       Forgive Others. Forgive them with absolutely no strings attached.
You do not hurt others when you hold hate against them; you hurt yourself.

Let go of all of what you perceive as any slight against you. This can be very difficult. But I can tell you from personal experience that once you let something go by forgiving someone, you will feel a sense of calmness come over you.

When holding anger, you will spend so much time thinking about negative things.  You will be wasting all of your creative imagination. Creative imagination should be used for positive, worthwhile things. No matter what you think the other person did to you, your imagination is reflecting on it and making it worse!

You have a worthwhile goal, right? Right? Use your creative imagination to work on realizing your goal!

2.       Forgive Yourself.
Look at yourself with kind eyes.

Forgive the pain you have caused others. Forget the pain you have caused yourself. Look at all of your strengths. You are a good person. Forget all of those small, insignificant things from your past you are not happy with. They are in the past. Gone. Forever. Chances are, whoever you may have hurt has long forgiven and forgotten. Focus on the good you can do.

3.       See yourself at your best.
We can start the day in frustration or in confidence. Take your pick.

Someone said, “Quit comparing your blooper reel to someone else’s highlights.” Everyone is inferior to everyone else in some ways and superior to everyone else in other ways. So what if you are not the best at something. You are terrific in some things. Focus on what you are good at.

Everyone has a “bad” day. Or do they? Remember, you control your own emotions. Things seem not to be going well, do what your mom told you to do; count to ten. What is happening to make this so called “bad” day. Chances are, if you look at the situation and apply theBest You, the day will change and turn out fr the best.

4.       Keep up with yourself.
Do not worry about what others are doing or have done.

Do what you want to do and do not worry about others. Remeber your worthwhile goal? Just be progressively working toward that and you will feel so much better – especially when you do not focus on what others are doing.

This was a something I did not do and one of the first things I did to “turn myself around”. I am a horticulturist. I am not making a lot of money. I would go to family functions and just sit and compare myself to those in very highly paid professions such as accounting and law. I would compare and feel like shit.

On my journey to happiness, I discovered the law of Keep Up With Yourself. Now I applaud their success, recognizing my own success. I love Earl Nightingales definition of success, which is, “The progessive realization of a worthwhile ideal (goal)”.

I first defined my goal, rock solid definition. Then, as I worked toward my goal, I saw my own success. I was recently presented with several occasions where someone else’s “success” was pushed toward me (by a very negative person I add). And honestly, I was expressively happy for that person’s success. But, I did not compare myself with them.

Be happy with yourself. Once you are happy with yourself, you will be happy with the universe. I am only a few years into my “self re creation” but it is a very good thing. Things that used to bother me are now no longer doing so. Did the things that bother me change? No. I am in the process of changing.

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