Friday, 16 September 2016

September 16, 2016 - Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma has a philosophy centred around The Big Five, The Daily Five and the Nightly Three.
Image result for robin Sharma the daily three
Robin Sharma

The Big Five are five major life goals you need to achieve to make it the best life ever. He took about a year to come up with his Big Five. I stared working on my Big Five about a week ago. I’ll see how long it takes me to formulate them. Robin says they have to be huge and valuable. By valuable he means valuable in an intrinsic sense rather than monetary. The question I am asking myself to formulate these is “How can I dent the Universe?”

The Daily Five is simply a list of five tasks to accomplish ion a day to take you to your Big Five. I realize I don’t have my Big Five outlined yet BUT as I come up with my Daily Five my foundation is being formed for my decision on the Big Five. But here is the real magic of the Daily Five. I do a Daily Five lets say 350 days a year to remove Christmas Day, when we are camping, etc. Also assume the tasks are reasonable enough I can actually accomplish them. Then over the course of a year I will accomplish 1,750 tasks taking me toward my Big Five. How can I not succeed?

Finally the Daily Three. I already do a version of this but will adjust my philosophy to incorporate this. At the end of the day I spend time in gratitude for the abundance in my life. The Daily Three is simply a reflection on Three things that happened in the day taking me to my goals. I will still have my moment f gratitude but I will now also include specifically time thinking in gratitude about what happened during the day that took me toward my goals.

I hope you have a wonderful day and your life will be full of gratitude.
Image result for robin Sharma the daily three
Robin Sharma

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