Wednesday, 13 April 2016

April 13, 2016 - Old Friends

My father was a major influence in my life. I know some of my family members that feel he was a "wimp" but I certainly know a lot better. As I am getting older and am on this journey of introspection, I am realizing I am doing my best to take the best of what he taught me and bring it forward. I am trying to take the best of him (and my mom of course) and send it forward into the universe.
Mom and Dad circa 1979 or so....

I had dinner with a former student and long time friend last night. My friend has had some challenges at work and has decided to start his own business. He is going to be importing flowers from South America and distributing them throughout the GTHA.

My friend is originally from Iran. That is not that important other than perhaps it may bring some context especially about his philosophies.

He had been working for a company as Sales Manager and was treated very poorly indeed if only 1/2 of what he told me is true. Just to clarify, everything he told me was true. Many people I know would be very bitter and negative. Not Afshin.

Now, that is the very end of the negativity for today.....

Afshin and I are of very similar mind-sets. Our fathers taught us many lessons about how to get along in life. During our discussion we decided the very best way to get ahead in life and business is very simple. Treat people with respect, dignity, honour.

All of life is a series of personal relationships with other people. Lee Iacocca said something along the lines of "If you can't get along with other people you have earned the kiss of death because people is all we have." My friend was asked if he would be taking customers away from his former employer. Companies don't control customers, the customer is in control. Afshin will be amazingly successful because of how he treats PEOPLE.

It was a great evening. I am truly grateful to have rekindled my friendship with Afshin. I know that the universe has things in store for me I can not imagine and last night was just the start of this connection with Afshin and his family.

I spent a long time last night thinking about the things Afshin said to me. He told me I am a unique individual and am very helpful, open, gregarious and some other things. Oddly, all I am trying to do is mimic my dad. I told Afshin we need to make he and I the rule not the exception.

Mahatma Ghandi taught us to be the change we want to see in the world. So why not? 

Earl Nightingale taught us to treat any person we are interacting with as if they are the most important person in the world. We do this for two important reasons. First, as far as the person is concerned they ARE the most important person in the world. The second reason is makes us a better person.

Be the change you want to see in the world. There are 7 billion people wandering on this planet today. We'd better get started.

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