is a change in behaviour not just a change in knowledge and attitude." -
Ken Blanchard
a concept. I have been teaching for over 25 years and although I knew this I
didn't realize it. It is so true. I remember when I'd come home from class and
be all pumped up. I'd have a huge change in attitude and obviously knowledge
but my behviour, my habits were the same.
here I am building my business…
have a huge change in knowledge. Every morning I am up at 4:45 and do a few
things including facilitating a change in knowledge. I usually end up with a
huge change in attitude as well. After listening to Darren Hardy interview some
thought leader I have a change in attitude and a change in knowledge, both to
the positive.
I have not had is a change in behaviour. I always have gone back to my old
ways. I need to change my behaviour, my habits….
Waitley says you cannot get rid of habits, you can only replace them. I have
some bad habits. I have been focused on tension relieving rather than goal
past week has been one of change in me. I am focused on achieving my goals –
business and personal. I am using my schedule to drive my day – so I am not
wandering back and forth between things that make me feel good in the short
am I doing different specifically? Here are today’s goals
- Close the pool
- Make 10 positive business contacts
- Organize the “back corner” of the basement
am I going to do in order to make this happen?
- Schedule my time today Sidebar: I go through a three step program every morning. 20 minute walk, 20 minutes of personal development and blogging, 20 minutes of reviewing goals and planning. I am in the second portion, about to migrate to planning and reviewing. Robin Sharma calls it the 20-20-20 formula of the 5:00 am club
- MAINTAIN my schedule
- AVOID all distractions, Netflix, etc.
- Schedule fun
my 20 minutes is up. I am committed to building my business. I cannot build my
business unless I change myself. Every day and in every way I am getting
the way, I told you I’d keep you posted on my progress on studying myself and
planning where I need to improve. It is a lot more time consuming than I
thought. I’m scheduling some time tonight to finish off the grading and
a wonderful day.
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