Sunday, 4 October 2015

October 4, 2015 - Learning is a Change in Behaviour

Good morning,

"Learning is a change in behaviour not just a change in knowledge and attitude." - Ken Blanchard

What a concept. I have been teaching for over 25 years and although I knew this I didn't realize it. It is so true. I remember when I'd come home from class and be all pumped up. I'd have a huge change in attitude and obviously knowledge but my behviour, my habits were the same.

So here I am building my business…

I have a huge change in knowledge. Every morning I am up at 4:45 and do a few things including facilitating a change in knowledge. I usually end up with a huge change in attitude as well. After listening to Darren Hardy interview some thought leader I have a change in attitude and a change in knowledge, both to the positive.

What I have not had is a change in behaviour. I always have gone back to my old ways. I need to change my behaviour, my habits….

Denis Waitley says you cannot get rid of habits, you can only replace them. I have some bad habits. I have been focused on tension relieving rather than goal achieving.

The past week has been one of change in me. I am focused on achieving my goals – business and personal. I am using my schedule to drive my day – so I am not wandering back and forth between things that make me feel good in the short term.

What am I doing different specifically? Here are today’s goals
  • Close the pool
  • Make 10 positive business contacts
  • Organize the “back corner” of the basement

What am I going to do in order to make this happen?
  • Schedule my time today Sidebar: I go through a three step program every morning. 20 minute walk, 20 minutes of personal development and blogging, 20 minutes of reviewing goals and planning. I am in the second portion, about to migrate to planning and reviewing. Robin Sharma calls it the 20-20-20 formula of the 5:00 am club
  • MAINTAIN my schedule
  • AVOID all distractions, Netflix, etc.
  • Schedule fun
Well, my 20 minutes is up. I am committed to building my business. I cannot build my business unless I change myself. Every day and in every way I am getting better.

By the way, I told you I’d keep you posted on my progress on studying myself and planning where I need to improve. It is a lot more time consuming than I thought. I’m scheduling some time tonight to finish off the grading and planning.

Have a wonderful day.


Saturday, 3 October 2015

October 3, 2015 - As your WHY hets Bigger!

As Your Why gets Bigger you get Better

That was a very simple statement, I can’t remember who said it but nonetheless, “When your why gets bigger, you get better.”

Darren Hardy tells the story of a man approaching three brick layers. He approaches the first one and asks what he is doing, the reply is, “What do you think I am doing, I am laying bricks!”

The second one, when asked the same question answers, “I am building a wall.”

The third one, when asked the same question answers, “I am building a great cathedral.”

Whose why was the biggest?

Last week, I was working with a new person, Jack. We were planting bulbs – narcissus, anemone, and much more. Now Jack is not looking at the position she has with us as long term (right now). She just needs a couple of days a week to make ends meet. She is trying very hard and is developing into a good gardener.


Now the reason I am telling you this is this: On Wednesday last week we were standing in the front yard of our client and I was just slowly rotating looking at the “barren” garden beds. Jack asked me what I was looking at and I said I was looking at April and May. She looked puzzled. 

Then I described to her the colour blocks that would start appearing as soon as the snow melts. My arm was outstretched and I was telling her how the owner would see the different colour blocks from different points of view.


My horticultural why was very large that week. The owner asked for the Taj Mahal of the nirth and gosh darn it, they will get it!

So what about my business…

In order to make my why larger I believe I need to change my belief in myself. I know I can do anything horticultural. I can do anything anywhere.

I have to re-invigorate my why and make it even bigger. That is what I am going to do today. I am working on what I told you about yesterday too, the Things are not Always what they Appear exercise.

This is a short post, but I have a lot of work to do – on myself.


Friday, 2 October 2015

October 2, 2015 - Things are not always what they Appear

Things are not always as they Appear - Bringing Balance to a Chaotic Life

I’m listening to a Chris Widener presentation on Bringing Balance to a Chaotic Life. The whole presentation can be summed up into one sentence – “I can bring balance to my chaotic life.”

Chris starts with a joke talking about how a situation may not be as it seems. It really is true. Most people we deal with on a day to day basis have more going on in their lives that we can ever see. I can think of many examples of that in my own circle of people.

The main thing he observes is when things are out of control because we let some areas of our life take over from other areas of our life. Really what we need to do find the priorities in our life and bring those priorities back to centre. When we feel out of balance it is because what we really need in our life is missing or being ignored because we are focused on the wrong things.

What we need to do is remind ourselves what is important and bring that back into focus. Denis Waitley has a great line, “Most people are focused on tension relieving rather than goal achieving.” I’ll give you an example from my own life from this week. I sat and binge watched a show on Netflix. I now feel very discombobulated because I did not work on my goals. Had I completed the tasks I had to achieve my goals and then treated myself with some Netfix (some, not binge) I’d feel much better right now.

The primary thing we need to do is find our priorities. Instead of working on priorities, we will be working on what is urgent. What I mean by that is once we have put off our priorities we end up working on non-priority items that have now become urgent. For example, because we procrastinated, we have not done the dishes, and now we need to do the dishes instead of working on our priorities.

Chris gives all sorts of examples of people he knows whose lives are out of control. He then talks about those same people and what they did do re-arrange and change their lives. He uses one example of a guy who figured it out. This guy was offered his dream job. What he wanted to do and GOBS of money. The boss man told the guy he would have to work 80 hours a week. He ended up turning the job down because it would have put other areas of his life into a state of unbalance.

So what I am going to do is this:

Evaluate my life to check the balance on some certain areas of my life, I am going to grade it on a scale of 1 to 10
  • Business and Professional
  • Personal Finance
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Extended Family
  • Friendships
  • Recreation
  • Physical and Health
  • Emotional health and satisfaction
  • Intellectual health
  • Spiritual
  • Strength of willpower – ability to function with self control
  • Social and Service Commitments
Then I am going to write a paragraph to describe why I evaluated myself to that grade. Then I will use that exercise to help evaluate myself and use that evaluation to priorize my life.

Once I have evaluated myself I am going to work on the areas which need the most work. And I am starting right now.

I’ll keep you posted.
