So, as you
can tell by the date in this post, I haven’t kept up with my blog entry (ies).
Oops. Not oops, it really was a lack of motivation. I feel like crap as the
past month evaporated. Simply evaporated. I really fell into a pit of
I was doing
my time-for-money gig today and was listening to random things on my I-Pod. One
was a short presentation by Chris Widener. I downloaded a success series he has
for free on his website. This was the first time I had heard this presentation.
I am sitting
on my mother-in-law’s deck overlooking Temperance Lake and pondering my day. I
am pushing myself into a better head space and the location certainly helps me
out. I am most fortunate to have this environs in which to work.
Six Rules to Staying Motivated
1. Get Motivated Daily
Each and
every day you must get yourself motivated. Someone complained about this to Zig
Zigglar – that you have to get motivated ever day. Zig said, “Well you have to
bathe daily don’t you?” Its true. Motivate daily.
I wake each
morning and go through a ritual of a daily gratitude review. Kind of like a
prayer. Starting tomorrow, I am going to include my motivation into that. Jim
Rohn says you must finish tomorrow, on paper, before you go to bed. I’m going
to work this motivation into my daily ritual.
I have a
vision for my life. I have written a lot of it down but not all of it. And a
vision for my life is not a list of goals or money I want to make or things I
want to do but a REAL VISION. This is more of a life philosophy rather than
just a set of goals. My Vision includes helping as many people as possible
reach their goals.
When you
have a vision for your life you then have a Reason to Act. Rather than moping
around waiting for things to happen, a person with a clear vision will be
inspired to act every day.
Its really
apropos that today I also heard a favourite quote of mine. “If you don’t know
where you are going, you might end up somewhere else.” – Yogi Berra
Figure out
your vision. You don’t need to tell anyone BUT get it crystal clear and easy to
3. Fuel Your Passion
your passion is or passions are, fuel them daily. Read, listen, watch
everything you can that will help teach you and inspire you on your quest for
your passion. Here is a personal hint that helps me with my passion – TEACH.
There is an old saying along the lines of “To teach is to learn twice.” Teach,
mentor, however it works, it really does help keep my passion fueled.
4. Work Hard Enough to Get Results
You can do
the first three things and still not stay motivated. The very best thing to
help keep Big Mo moving along is to get results in the first place. Now, the
way that is worded sounds as if I am suggesting you limit your efforts.
NOT. Work hard and get results. If you aren’t getting results but are doing
everything right – work harder. Eventually, the results will start and then all
of your efforts will develop momentum.
5. Put
Good Things in Your Mind
Turn off the
TV. Turn off the news. Turn off the mindless drivel that masks itself as
entertainment coming out of your TV, Computer or hand held. Turn on things like
positive TED talks, books, magazines, blogs that will stimulate your thinking
and help you grow your psyche.
I heard today
that the average North American watched 23 hours of TV a week. That is a part
time JOB! If that person just went to a retail store and got a minimum wage job
and banked the money, in Canada that person would be able to save $7,875 each
and every YEAR! I believe many people
watch far more than that. That’s just TV as far as I know. I wonder what it is
factoring in NETFLIX and other online drivel like silly cat videos….
6. Ride Momentum When it Comes
Don’t let
your foot off the gas. EVER. You are in a race and the prize is personal
fulfillment. Once you get some momentum
it is much easier to keep going than it is to start again. Keep on truckin’ And
keep on keep on truckin’ no matter what.
I am going
to put these rules up on my board. I am going to read them every morning and
every evening. I NEED to re-focus my efforts into a positive, motivated self.
And I am going to do it.
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