Saturday, 10 June 2017

Start Again, Start Again, Start Again

Starting Over

It seems like all I ever write about is starting over. And here I go again.

I hit a wall over the past couple of weeks… I suppose I hit it Friday, I’ve been going at it for a while now. I’ve been shadowing my business partner’s work times and should not have been. I think he was feeling guilty about going to Mexico for a week in our busy time. He shouldn’t. So what he was doing was trying to work every day up to that time so he didn’t feel guilty. And I followed along.

So I neglected a lot over that time…. About 7 weeks. And now I have to start again.

Its not anyone’s fault but my own. I lacked self discipline to stand up and do what I needed to do to get through the time.

Wanna know what the wall was? My son was in a very minor car accident last week on the Niagara Parkway. I can’t even help him with his deductible from the insurance company. That was the wall. That was all it was but to me it is a huge wall. Indescribably huge.

So how am I starting again? Les Brown talks about how hard it is to start again. Starting again over and over and over again. Do I want my life to be easier? Yes indeed! I am not going to start again. I started today by going to a training meeting for ACN and am starting my piquing tomorrow. Why tomorrow? Well I do believe in routine. I also believe in my energy cycles. It will be much easier for me to contact 2 people tomorrow morning than in the evening.

This is a short post but necessary. Hold my feet to the fire….