Thursday, 28 June 2012

June 27, 2012

I work for a brewery called Trafalgar Ales and Meads. I left for my 2 day delivery trip this morning at 5. Last week I had the alternator fail on my van. That of itself is insignificant, but what was significant was the service at Canadian Tire. I have mentioned John Maxwell’s book “Everyone Communicates Few Connect”. This was a classic example as everyone just answered me with a standard Canadian Tire answer rather than answering the questions I was asking. Interesting.

I enjoy my days delivering as I can listen to developmental recordings. I think I overloaded yesterday as I can’t remember any of them! I am trying to follow some of Darren Hardy’s direction though. I’ve recorded in my journal (I’ve had a “green book” for a long time – now I am calling it my journal!) my WHY, my STRENGTHS, my WEAKNESSES, my GOALS. By the way, a goal is a dream with a deadline.

When I get back to Milton, I am going to start a “book of Matt”. I’m working through an exercise right now called “The Best Year Every” – Darren Hardy. Rather than mar that book with my thoughts, I am sharing it with Linda, Morgan and Ainsley.

Short entry today. On Thursday, during my drive home, I am going to listen to more philosophy.

June 26, 2012

Ainsley’s prom was this evening. Linda and I went to one of the other parent’s houses to take photos of the kids before they went off in their limo. Ainsley looked awesome. She has developed into such a well rounded woman. Her guy, Robert, looked equally as awesome. They had a pretty poor time at Prom – at least the dinner sucked – at the Oakville Conference Centre or some such thing.

I remember looking forward into my life at that point and seeing my future much different than how it has turned out. I have some regrets but they pale when compared to my children. They are beyond compare. I am very, very fortunate to have then in my life.

Speaking of fortunate, I am completely overwhelmed with Linda. Last night, we decided to grab some wings and beer at Shoeless Joes. We talked about how great our kids are. They are our product. “You teach what you know. You reproduce what you are.” We are so proud of Morgan and Ainsley. They are great people and are going to do great things.

Ainsley has a friend who is having a lot of challenges with her parents to the point this kid’s dad kicked her out of the house the other night. Ainsley had her over – didn’t ask us ‘cause she doesn’t have to. Our home is a haven to whomever of our friends or acquaintances needs it. Yesterday, this kid was at prom and told me that Linda and I are “so cool”.

Look, the way Linda and I look at it, kids at prom are going to drink. Pretending it won’t happen is stupid. So we gave Ainsley a car to get to the after-prom-party and had the promise she was DD. All we ever want from our kids is their safety and health.

So this blog had nothing at all to do with my work. Or did it?

“You teach what you know. You reproduce what you are”. If you want to have kids (or business partners, employees, etc.) that make great choices – make yourself better. It is easy to say “be good to people” but I you aren’t doing that – it won’t happen. Its not a selfish thing to say – but our kids are great because Linda and I are great parents. Not to say we don’t have bad habits or anything like that. But our kids also have the comfort to say “I’m not going to be like that!”.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

June 25, 2012

I learned a couple of interesting things today. One somewhat profound and the other not so much.

Profound: "Hurting people hurt people." I listen to a leadership philosopher by the name of John Maxwell. I'm reading "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" right not - get a copy - today! There are a few people in my life I am trying to deal with right now - I am trying to strengthen myself and my communication skills so I can be a better "person".

I suppose what I am now trying to do is shift my thinking. Rather than wonder what did I do to this person to warrant the way they are treating me, I am now trying to look from their perspective. Maybe I have done something specific to hurt them, maybe someone else has hurt them. It sure males me think in a different manner. I am shifting the focus of my thinking.

I find that when my focus of thinking shifts from me to them, my defences lower, I become more open to listening to exactly what they are trying to communicate and not just what they are saying. I start to find that its not me they are lashing out at, I just happen to be standing there.

So here is my goal for the next 21 days. I am now going to stop for a moment before reacting to someone who I feel is trying to "hurt" me. I am also thinking of these people long before we interact. I can prepare myself not defensively, but rather proactively in order to listen to them and not further their hurt.

This is by no means easy. I've got 48 years of conditioning behind me.

The not so profound thing is that birds eat pepper plants. I have started an Aquaponic system in my backyard. The birds (I believe they are the Robins perpetrating this egregious act) are pulling out my pepper plants and carrying them away....

I had some sad, terrible news today as well. A student of mine - Cee Deschene died last Friday night / Saturday morning. I am told she had a tear in her aorta and was in surgery for many hours before succumbing. My thoughts are with her family and life partner.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

June 7, 2012

Very excited. I'm sitting at Carleton University waiting for Morgan. He's got a class tonight as well as a mid-term test.

Morgan is joining my business tomorrow. I'm pumped. We are staring to work on building Morgan's fortune tomorrow!

Ainsley is joining next month. Excitement all over again!

I was listening to some professional development cd's today. A lot of what I was learning today was all about planning to have MY BEST YEAR EVER. I am committed to building my business in order to make a better life for my family. Especially my mail goal which is to retire my wife. He health issues have been overcome and she deserves all the time she wants now.

I am so grateful to have such a supportive family. Everyone is right behind me.